Definition of [[#adjective in English English dictionary
- adjective
- Adjectival; pertaining to or functioning as an adjective
- adjective
- Incapable of independent function
In fact, God is of not so much importance in Himself, but as the end towards which man tends. That irreverent person who said that Browning uses “God” as a pigment made an accurate criticism of his theology. In Browning, God is adjective to man.
- adjective
- Applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure
adjective law.
- adjective
- Of a dye that needs the use of a mordant to be made fast to that which is being dyed
- adjective
- A word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent
The words “big” and “heavy” are English adjectives.
- adjective phrase
- A phrase that collectively modifies or describes a noun or pronoun and which can usually be used both attributively and predicatively, can be graded, and be modified by an adverb
- attributive adjective
- An adjective that describes an attribute of the noun phrase of which it is a part
The word “red” in “the red balloon” is an attributive adjective.
- cardinal adjective
- a cardinal number used as an adjective
Example: one in one meatball.
- demonstrative adjective
- an adjective that points out which person, object or concept is being referred to; whether it is singular or plural, and whether it is near or far from the speaker or writer
Note: In the English language they are the same as the demonstrative pronouns - this, that, these and those.
- indefinite adjective
- An indefinite pronoun used as a determiner
- interrogative adjective
- an interrogative pronoun used as an adjective
Examples (from English) - what and which.
- limiting adjective
- an adjective that limits a noun; they include definite articles, indefinite articles, possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, indefinite adjectives, interrogative adjectives, cardinal adjectives, ordinal adjectives, proper adjectives and nouns used as adjectives
- numerical adjective
- a number used as an adjective; either a cardinal adjective (such as one) or an ordinal adjective (such as first)
- ordinal adjective
- a ordinal number used as an adjective
Example: first in first attempt.
- participial adjective
- a participle used as an adjective, such as drowning in the drowning man and drowned in the drowned man
- possessive adjective
- An adjective expressing possession
My, its and his are possessive adjectives.
- predicative adjective
- An adjective that is not part of the noun clause it modifies, but is linked to it with a copula
‘Complicated’ is a predicative adjective in the sentence ‘Grammar is complicated.’.
- proper adjective
- An adjective derived from a proper noun, such as British derived from Britain
These two general classes of adjectives may also be divided into several others, of which the following are the most important: — 1. A proper adjective is one that is derived from a proper name; as, American . . .
- quasi adjective
- adjectival noun, a specific group of words in Japanese parts of speech. Those words can be used as a noun simply, and as an adjective with postfix "な"(na), in different to Japanese common adjectives,形容詞(keiyōshi). In Japanese, those words are categorized in 形容動詞 (keiyōdōshi)
- relative adjective
- a relative pronoun used in an adjectival clause
Example: whose in the man whose time had come.
- substantive adjective
- An adjective used alone in the absence of the noun that it modifies
- adjective law
- The portion of the law that deals with the rules of procedure governing evidence, pleading, and practice
- adjective
- {a} that is added, a word added to a noun to denote some property of it
- Adjective
- A word that modifies a noun or pronoun by describing, refining, or qualifying it Adjectives can add color and immediacy to writing; however, adjective overuse is a stylistic error common to beginning writers
- Adjective
- noun modifier
- Adjective
- A word or group of words that describe or modify a noun example: The slow, meandering creek sang a gentle song
- Adjective
-  A word that modifies a noun or pronoun by describing, refining, or qualifying it  Adjectives can add color and immediacy to writing; however, adjective overuse is a stylistic error common to beginning writers
- Adjective
- of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause"
- Adjective
- (adjektiv): one of the lexical word classes Adjectives are typically descriptive of a noun; they denote qualities, characteristics and properties of people, things and phenomena Examples: red, dark, small, round, overwhelmed, certain, fantastic Most adjectives can be compared for degree, and the forms are called positive, comparative and superlative, respectively Examples: small – smaller – smallest; good – better– best; difficult– more difficult – most difficult
- Adjective
- A word class which contains words that can add more detail (i e modify) to a noun or pronoun - e g the busy teacher (pre-modification); it was awful (post-modification) Adjectives are gradable depending on whether a comparison is made with one other thing or many other things: big, bigger, biggest; difficult, more difficult, most difficult
- Adjective
- An adjective is a word that modifies a noun by specifying an attribute of the noun Examples include adjectives of colour, like red, size or shape, like round or large, along with thousands of less classifiable adjectives like willing, onerous, etc In grammar rules, we use the symbol ADJ for the pre-terminal category of adjectives Adjectives are also used as the complements of sentences with verbs like "be" and "seem" - "He is happy", "He seems drunk" ADJ is a lexical grammatical category
- Adjective
- the word class that qualifies nouns
- Adjective
- declinable and comparisable word signifying a quality or a feature, used as an attribute or a complement
- Adjective
- a word used to describe somebody or something, for example The blue table, the happy child When a phrase is used to describe something, it is known as an 'adjectival phrase' ('as old as you') An adjectival clause is a clause which does the work of an adjective See clause
- Adjective
- a word that expresses an attribute of something
- Adjective
- A word that describes, limits, qualifies, or in any other way modifies a noun or pronoun A descriptive adjective names a quality of the noun or pronoun it modifies: junior year A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun: Hegelian philosophy 27a
- Adjective
- A word that modifies a noun or pronoun, specifying such things as what kind, how many, and which one
- Adjective
- An adjective describes a noun or another adjective An article is a special name for the adjectives a, an, and the When the articles a and an are used before a word that begins with a vowel sound, use an If the word starts with a consonant, use a
- Adjective
- A word that modifies a noun (someone or something): The little boy hit the big, blue, ball
- Adjective
- pg 17, par 3
- Adjective
- (used with `with' or in combination) covered by or as if by something scattered over or on Being distributed here and there without order
- Adjective
- applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure; "adjective law"
- Adjective
- A word that modifies a noun or noun substitute
- Adjective
- a word that serves as a modifier of a noun to denote a quality of the thing named, to indicate its quantity or extent, or to specify a thing as distinct from something else It answers the questions "which?", "how many?", and "what kind of?", though probably not all three at once
- Adjective
- (ad-jek-tiv) An adjective is a part of a sentence that modifies a noun by describing something about the noun
- adjective
- To make an adjective of; to form or change into an adjective
- adjective
- Thus, in phrase, "a wise ruler," wise is the adjective, expressing a property of ruler
- adjective
- Not standing by itself; dependent
- adjective
- Additional or adjunct
- adjective
- Added to a substantive as an attribute; of the nature of an adjunct; as, an adjective word or sentence
- adjective
- A category of words, such as big or heavy, that modify or describe a noun and which can usually be used both attributively and predicatively, be graded, and be modified by an adverb
- adjective
- Relating to procedure
- adjective
- Thus, in phrase, "a wise ruler,"
- adjective
- A word used with a noun, or substantive, to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to it, or to limit or define it, or to specify or describe a thing, as distinct from something else
- adjective
- A dependent; an accessory
- adjective
- {i} part of speech used to modify a noun (Grammar)
- adjective
- An adjective is a word such as `big', `dead', or `financial' that describes a person or thing, or gives extra information about them. Adjectives usually come before nouns or after link verbs. a word that describes a noun or pronoun. In the phrase 'black hat', 'black' is an adjective and in the sentence `It makes her happy', 'happy' is an adjective. (adjectif, from adjectus, past participle of adjicere, from ad- + jacere )
- adjective
- the word class that qualifies nouns a word that expresses an attribute of something applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure; "adjective law
- adjective
- wise is the adjective, expressing a property of ruler
- adjective arch 3
- amused because you think you understand something better than other people
- adjective associate 3
- associate member/director/head etc someone who is a member etc of something, but who is at a lower level and has fewer rights
- adjective base 3
- not having good moral principles
- adjective bay 3
- a bay horse is reddish brown in colour
- adjective beat 3
- very tired = exhausted
- adjective blanket 3
- blanket statement/rule/ban etc a statement, rule etc that affects everyone or includes all possible cases
- adjective bluff 3
- a bluff person, usually a man, is pleasant but very direct and does not always consider other people
- adjective boss 3
- very good, attractive, or fashionable
- adjective bully 3
- bully for you/him etc used when you do not think that someone has done anything special but they want you to praise them
- adjective chance 3
- not planned or expected = accidental chance meeting/encounter/event etc
- adjective chicken 3
- not brave enough to do something = cowardly
- adjective chill 3
- unpleasantly cold
- adjective colour 3
- color colour television/photograph/printer etc a colour television, photograph etc that produces or shows pictures in colour rather than in black, white, and grey black and white
- adjective contrary 3
- someone who is contrary deliberately does different things from other people
- adjective converse 3
- opposite
- adjective cross 3
- S2 angry or annoyed get/be cross (with sb)
- adjective diet 3
- diet drinks or foods contain less sugar or fat than ordinary ones
- adjective dope 3
- very good
- adjective fell 4
- in one fell swoop at one fell swoop doing a lot of things at the same time, using only one action
- adjective flip 3
- not said or meant seriously = flippant
- adjective fool 3
- silly or stupid = foolish
- adjective forfeit 3
- be forfeit to be legally or officially taken away from you as a punishment
- adjective gorge 3
- extremely beautiful or attractive
- adjective graduate 3
- relating to or involved in studies done at a university after completing a first degree British Equivalent: postgraduate
- adjective grave 3
- a grave accent is a mark put above a letter in some languages such as French to show the pronunciation, for example è acute, circumflex circumflex
- adjective ground 3
- ground coffee or nuts have been broken up into powder or very small pieces, using a special machine
- adjective group
- An adjective group or adjectival group is a group of words based on an adjective, such as `very nice' or `interested in football'. An adjective group can also consist simply of an adjective
- adjective in 4
- fashionable out
- adjective iron 3
- very firm and strong or determined
- adjective kid 3
- kid sister/brother your kid sister or brother is younger than you are British Equivalent: little sister/brother
- adjective lay 3
- a not trained or not knowing much about a particular profession or subject layman
- adjective meet 3
- right or suitable
- adjective pat 3
- a pat answer or explanation seems too quick and too simple and sounds as if it has been used before
- adjective plane 3
- completely flat and smooth
- adjective pocket 3
- small enough to be carried in your pocket
- adjective precipitate 3
- happening or done too quickly, and not thought about carefully = hasty
- adjective pronoun
- A pronoun acting as an adjective, such as which in which dictionaries?
- adjective quack 3
- relating to the activities or medicines of someone who pretends to be a doctor
- adjective rave 3
- rave reviews/notices/reports strong praise for a new play, book etc, especially in a newspaper or magazine win/receive/earn rave reviews
- adjective rear 3
- at or near the back of something, especially a vehicle front
- adjective return 3
- used or paid for a journey from one place to another and back again single American Equivalent: round trip
- adjective roast 3
- roasted
- adjective rose 3
- pink in colour
- adjective rubbish 3
- not skilful at a particular activity
- adjective shit 4
- very bad
- adjective signal 3
- important signal achievement/success/failure etc
- adjective sink 3
- sink estate/school an area where people live or a school that is in a very bad condition and seems unlikely to improve
- adjective sneak 3
- doing things very secretly and quickly, so that people do not notice you or cannot stop you
- adjective spanking 3
- at a spanking pace/rate very fast
- adjective spot 3
- for buying or paying immediately, not at some future time
- adjective spruce 3
- neat and clean
- adjective stretch 3
- stretch clothes or material stretch if you pull them and then return to their original shape
- adjective swell 3
- very good = great
- adjective toy 3
- a toy animal or dog is a type of dog that is specially bred to be very small
- adjective treble 4
- a treble voice or instrument produces high notes
- adjective video 3
- relating to or used in the process of recording and showing pictures on television audio
- adjective wonder 3
- very good and effective
- attributive adjective
- {i} adjective that comes before a noun and not after a copula verb, (Grammar)
- compound adjective
- {i} (Grammar) adjective comprising of two parts and in general written with a hyphen (e.g.: never-ending, worn-out)
- counter 3,adverb adjective
- be/run/go counter to sth to be the opposite of something
- descriptive adjective
- an adjective that ascribes to its noun the value of an attribute of that noun e
- descriptive adjective
- `a nervous person' or `a musical speaking voice'
- forte 2,adverb adjective
- played or sung loudly piano
- piano 2,adverb adjective
- played or sung quietly
- possessive adjective
- (Grammar) pronominal adjective that expresses possession (my, your, his, her, its, our and their)
- possessive adjective
- A pronominal adjective expressing possession
- proper adjective
- An adjective formed from a proper noun
- proper adjective
- {i} (Grammar) adjective that is formed from a proper noun (e.g.: "Canadian" is formed from "Canada")
- relational adjective
- an adjective that classifies its noun e
- relational adjective
- `a nervous disease' or `a musical instrument'
- verbal adjective
- An adjective that is derived from a verb and that in some constructions, participial phrases for example, preserves the verb's syntactic features, such as transitivity and the capability of taking nominal or verbal complements